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About HaikuBot

HaikuBot started with a simple concept, to allow anyone to express themselves

In the past decade there have been incredible advancements in technology. However, many of these advancements are created in a utilitarian frame intending to make our lives more efficient. HaikuBot is an AI designed to unlock your creativity.

​ Designed around the concept of the Japanese Haiku. An ancient art form prized for its distilled essence. The Haiku is the perfect embodiment of HaikuBot's purpose.

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What is Haiku?


The essence of haiku is a juxtaposition of two images or ideas, with a cutting word between them


A seasonal reference, often drawn from a Saijiki (List of references)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..

If you like Haiku

You should check out these
notable Haiku foundations and organizations

Haiku Library

For some examples of Haiku, check out our Haiku Library